Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bah. Snow.
I really love how beautiful the snow looks out my window, all whistler village like and bright, but I am getting bloody tired of being stuck at my house not able to drive my car. I just read in our local paper that the municipality has excess funds for snowplows and salters-then why the hell aren't they plowing our side streets for god's sake? Not only this but I am freaked out of other drivers fishtailing and roaring down the icy streets at 80 kms/hr. Maple Ridge is FILLED with trucks and SUV's and crazy drivers who think they are immortal.

I'm done now.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I've spent a nice evening deconstructing t-shirts and sewing a fleece baby blanket and finishing a pair of pajama pants. Woo hoo! I really needed to do this. There is something cathartic in pulling out the ol' sewing machine and just going to work on fabric with nary a care in the world. I almost reached the point of actually cutting out my dress pattern but I think I just feel like watching TV now. I'll post pictures soon.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I decided to treat myself and buy the book Sew U today-I also threw in a copy of Jane just for good measure. I'm stoked (haha, Laguna speak) to get back into sewing, as long as Teagan lets me. She's been needing more attention lately because of her teething so any projects I've wanted to work on will just have to wait, but I have so many ideas for sewing, beginning with a new lavender fleecie baby sleeping bag which should see her through 12 months and a fleece blanket for walks. I was at Fabricland tonight and picked up a few fleece remnants. For me I want to sew a couple skirts, pajama pants and work on my DKNY black dress pattern I've had for like 4 years now.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

So, I am in the midst of furiously trying to finish the last 100 pages of my online book club's October selection, Little Earthquakes. It is a pretty good read. The characters are all new moms plodding through the early days of motherhood and I think it is safe to say it hits pretty close to home. I wonder what our next pick will be, I might try suggesting the new Janet Fitch book Paint it Black. I just had my nightly mug of Ovaltine and am trying not to turn on Saturday Night Live. Must. read. book.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Teagan is getting a tooth or two. She's been very drooly lately and I can feel the little tooth (teeth?) on the bottom gum. The last few days she's been in pain, I've been giving her Hyland's homeopathing teething tablets and baby Tylenol for bedtime. Last night she slept for four hour stretches as opposed to the night before when she was up every hour. I just love her so much and even more when I know she's in pain. I feel so protective of her, like a mother bear.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I really want to take an art class, something that I can do for myself so I feel creative again. I've been looking at pottery, soapstone or wood carving. I may have to wait until Teagan will be able to stay at home with her daddy and not have to nurse every couple hours. In the meantime I will refine my search and pick out the perfect class. Any suggestions?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Things I'm enjoying this week:

  • Fergie's new song Fergalicious (spelling?)
  • KOS's new album Atlantis
  • Teagan's little giggles and squeals
  • L'oreal's liquid eyeliner (Lineur Intense) in mineral grey
  • St Ives Energizing citrus body wash (really wakes me up in the morning)
  • Laguna Beach season 3, especially the montages of Cami that MTV puts together-Har!
  • Mom and baby fitness class
  • Bright crisp fall mornings
  • All the new fall fashions-sweaters, skirts, tights and flats
  • Lost season 3 (man, it's getting weird, but so enjoyable)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ok, so this is how far I've come along with Teagan's little hoodie cardigan.
I must finish it before she reaches 6 months, which is in a month. I screwed up the one side as you can see, it is supposed to be in stockinette but I did the opposite for a couple sections, which means I have to mirror that on the other side which I'm working on right now. It's actually hard to screw up on purpose so I'm going to have to do some careful measuring.

Monday, October 09, 2006

This is on the way to the closest grocery store to us. It's a nice pastoral view, especially during the sunset-I tried to capture that effect but it doesn't show up very well here.

Time to brag-here's my little beauty, all alert and looking cute as a bug's ear as per usual and waiting for her mama to finish her waffles and play!

Tofurky is a wonderful thing. We had our big Thanksgiving supper last night, complete with Tofurky roast (tofu shaped like a football with stuffing inside), baked rosemary yams, Yorkshire pudding, gravy, dumplings, brussel sprouts and cranberry stuffing, pumpkin pie for dessert. It's great because we don't feel like we're missing out on the tradition of turkey at Thanksgiving. Now we can have "turkey" sandwiches with the leftovers-one of my favorite things that we used to have the day after when I was a kid.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

So, I suppose it is time for me to stop wearing jewelry, Teagan has proven that earrings are for playing with. Yikes. But I love my jewelry, this is going to take some getting used to. I don't want to risk her breaking or eating any of my necklaces or earrings, so I think its better to be safe than sorry.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

I was watching one of those A&E shows, American Justice or what have you...when I started thinking about the Witness Protection Program. I suddenly developed this terribly irrational fear-what if I had to be in the program, what if I had to leave everyone and everything behind to start a new life and new identity? How horrifying! Once I actually read up on it online I realized this irrational fear is just that-irrational. It's not like I'm in the mob or anything crazy like that!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fall is a wonderful time to make pies. Pies of all sorts, tofu and veggie, blueberry, pumpkin. I was on this crazy pie kick about a week ago and made a fake chicken style pie with tofu and veggies, then another one which Ed made up with Yves Veggie Ground Round and mushrooms and gravy, then a miniature blueberry pie. I don't think I can ever get sick of pies, they are cozy and a nice full meal. Next I want to try making little Jamaican patties with fake meat, things I can pop in the freezer and grab when I'm hungry. The Robin Hood pie crust mix is great to have around, you just follow the directions on the back and place in a big pie plate, then fill with whatever you want!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I just watched the second episode of the latest season of America's Top Model. It's so funny when they get their makeovers. I'd love for the fancy big hairstylists to make me over-to get a brand new look, one I'd never even thought would look good on me (well, within reason-I have had my share of crappy haircuts-but those I believe were from inexperienced hairdressers), but it never fails, each season there are a bunch of weenies who whine and bitch about their new haircuts and start crying and saying "oh, now I'm not pretty anymore".

Friday, September 22, 2006

Hey y'all, I'm back! Not that anyone actually reads this junk, but I'll post some stuff on here soon-stuff related to being a new mom, being crafty and just funny stuff I encounter!